If you are interested in playing along and pretending with us on this show, there are three ways you can do that:
Call in. Leave a voicemail for Dear Murder Street at our Google Voice number (845) 418-6681.
Write in. If you’d rather not hear your voice on the podcast, just send a letter to DearMurderStreet@gmail.com or send a message through our Contact page.
If you want to hear your voice but would rather not use your own words, send an email to DearMurderStreet@gmail.com or send a message through our Contact page. Maybe we’ll send you a letter written by one of us or another fan, a letter which you could read for the show by calling and leaving a voicemail at (845) 418-6681.
**In your voicemail and/or letter, please don't forget to let us know how you would like to be credited on the show. Would you like us to use your first and last name? Just your first name and where you're from? Or perhaps you'd prefer to remain completely anonymous? It's up to you.**
If you want to offer your own advice to any DMS characters, call and leave a voicemail or write in. Also, feel free reach out to us on Twitter, @MurderStreetPod, or on our Facebook page, Dear Murder Street.
By calling or writing in, you consent to the use of your voice/words on the podcast and surrender the rights to any characters or storylines to us, the Carroll Sisters. Whichever stories most scare us, most intrigue us, most entertain us—those are the ones we will choose.
To get an idea of what we’re looking for, we recommend listening to the show before calling or writing in.
We make no guarantees that you’ll have a spot on the show—but who knows? Maybe you’ll create a character people will love… or fear… or love to hate and fear. Perhaps your advice will influence a character’s decisions and actions in future episodes.
Fear is fun. We're here and we're waiting.
Come play with us....